Ciborium and Chalice are the most important Eucharistic symbol in the religious liturgy. It holds the holy bread sanctified in the Body of Christ, and ciborium is kept in the tabernacle.
Shape and composition of ciboria
Ciborium can have different sizes, in our production there are high ciboria (similar to the chalice) or small ones (normally bought separately from the chalice). In the catalogue, you can find also Ciboria without cover, stacking ciboria (to contain many hosts) and Ciboria two species (used to celebrate mess outof the usual church).
Finishings , styles and customized peculiarities
Finishing can be golden , silvered plated or two colours.
Our ciborium style is the same of the chalice one : from the simple linearity, to the opulence of baroque lines, to the wealth of chiselled design with procious stones.
As for all our items, ciboria are externally protected by a transparent painting called Vitrex, which protects from fingerprints, dust and humidity.