Thurible object, according to the old liturgy, is the symbol of the Jesus’ body, the inside fire represents the Holy Spirit, and the Incense is the symbol of Prays which rise to heaven.
The chains are four, as the four cardinal virtues.
The ministry censes the whole liturgical assembly for benediction.
Design and composition
Our thuribles are sold together with the incense boat.
Thuribles are composed by a container which holds the brazier (which can be substituted for the perpetual use). It is covered by a cover with some breaks to allow the combustion and the coming out of the incense smell. We provide thurible with 3 chains to hold it (one chain for the cover), but there is also a model with only 1 chain.
As ambrosian thurible is opened, all models are sold without the final cover.
The holy water basket, is provided separately but with the same design of the thurible set.
In our production there is one model of thurible holder, which height 140cm and the basement can be different.
Finishing, Style and Customized requests
Finishing can be silverplated, goldenplated (even if silver is the most popular).
Our thurible set is made from the metal sheet which are firstly lathed and then chiselled with simple or elaborated designs.
Dimensions can be: medium small (h12.50cm) up to the bigger ones (h30cm).
We realized also two models on the base of the most famous Botafumeiro in Santiago de Compostela. The dimension are not the same, obviously, but they are the bigger ones in our production.
As for all other items, thurible set is outside painted with Vitrex, a transparent film to protect the finiture.