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Via Adamello, 19 Bareggio - Milano ( Italia ) +39 02 22191235
lecterns arredi sacri memeo

The lectern has the task to support the God’s words written on the holy book.
The altar lectern is hold on the left side of the priest on the altar.
Stand lectern can be placed next to the altar in front of the worshippers.

Shape and composition of lecterns
Altar and stand lecterns are made in metal or plexiglass, some of the with 4 Evangelists figures, other with a light golden cross. The stand lectern is realized on the design of the altar candlesticks. This item has a molten base and an artisanal flat. If you are searcing for a more modern style, we offer you the last creation made in metal sheet and IHS cut by laser.

Finishing, Style and customized requests
Finishing are golden or silver.
One of our model of lectern is provided with a red satin pillow.
On request, we can realized stand lectern in plexiglass with golden IHS in metal :please contact us for this request.
Lecterns too, they are protected by transparent painture Vitrex, for a perpetual good quality.

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